Cascade Persist & Remove in Doctrine

Yusuf Biberoğlu
2 min readSep 7, 2020


In this article i will show cascade={"persist", "remove"} operations with examples. It is often used on mappedBy property side of the relationship. But can be use it both sides.

For example, assuming that there is class Cv(Curriculum Vitae) an entity and the OneToMany no cascade option as below;

You just need to call persist() on any new objects after form submitted in your controller as below;

But If you add cascade options to the OneToMany in Cv class;

cascade={"persist"} meaning that persisting entity Cv, doctrine will also persist all Reference and Certificate entities in the Collection as below;

You don’t need to call persist() on any new objects in controller as below;

— edit #[ORM\OneToMany(mappedBy: ‘cv’, targetEntity: Certificate::class, cascade: [‘persist’, ‘remove’])]

Also using cascade={“remove”} when you remove an object, all objects in the association have been removed so be careful when using it.

The following cascade options exist:

  • persist : Cascades persist operations to the associated entities.
  • remove : Cascades remove operations to the associated entities.
  • merge : Cascades merge operations to the associated entities.
  • detach : Cascades detach operations to the associated entities.
  • refresh : Cascades refresh operations to the associated entities.
  • all : Cascades persist, remove, merge, refresh and detach operations to associated entities.

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Yusuf Biberoğlu
Yusuf Biberoğlu

Written by Yusuf Biberoğlu

Software Developer 💻 (PHP-Symfony, Flutter, Dart, Firebase)

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